Thursday, December 3, 2009


Faith (Feyth) n.: Belief in something you cannot see. SYN: Trust

I recently had a talk with a friend about how much faith I have in God, and that gets me through life, and delievers me. I believed every word I said. I wear a ring around my finger with the precious word inscribed on it. It's what I thought I had enough of, but you can never have enough FAITH.

Hebrews 11

1Now faith is being sure of what we hope for, and certain of what we do not see.

2-40 Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Issac, Jacob, Esau, Joseph, Moses, David, Samuel, and the Prophets all had FAITH.

FAITH gets us through trials,
FAITH saves us,
FAITH heals us,
FAITH leads us into the unknown,
FAITH leads us closer to God.

This hit me like a 18 wheeler,
I have been praying the same prayer and God is sick of hearing it.
He knows the desires of my heart, and he wants me to have FAITH that he will take care of them, and answer them when the time is right.

I guess having faith ties in with being patient.
I hear you God.
I'll be patiently waiting with the strongest faith inside of me.
For You,
And all you have in store for me
In your wonderful plan for my life.

If you're struggling with something, and you've prayed for it a time or two(or a million if you are me) my advice to you is to let it be. God hears you the first time. Trust in Him, and have a little faith. (or a lot!)

Greater things are yet to come. But you gotta have faith.


  1. I so needed this tonight, Becca! What's funny is that I couldn't remember what you had written about, just that you told me you had a new post. So I logged on, all the while feeling a bit pouty about today in general, and I got exactly what I needed! Thank you for speaking from your heart, and thank you for speaking to mine.

  2. Unfortunately God is a paradox if you think about it- God doesn't want his children to suffer, yet there is a lot of suffering going on in the world today. Granted- our petty complaints may not be the most important things to him, but what about the children dying of starvation, dehydration, AIDS, Malaria, etc? It's not like they deserve it. Its hard to believe in a being that would be so cruel. (This is my opinion, I respectfully disagree with yours, as you know :) )
